Preserve Your Wedding Day
Are you looking for a way to capture the magic of your wedding day forever? Why not order one of our gorgeous wedding & bridal portraits painted by our professional artists!
Our Portrait Galleries

Wedding & Bridal Portraits
A wedding day is often the most important day in the life of a man and of a woman who are to become husband and wife. Why not immortalize this special moment in a personalized & customized wedding oil portrait of the bride?
For those men and women who decide to get married, the actual day of the wedding becomes one of the most important of their entire life. This day symbolizes the beginning of their life as a couple and the confirmation of their love and commitment to each other. A wedding also changes the dynamics of a family with the man or woman who was formerly called boyfriend or girlfriend now earning the title of husband or wife. For this reason, many men and women who are about to wed dedicate significant time and money to the ceremony, including dresses, church and the wedding banquet for guests and family members.

Wedding & Bridal Portraits
Although getting married is equally important for men and women, the wedding ceremony itself is especially important for the bride. Women often spend significant time and money searching for the perfect dress. On the day of the wedding, the bride spends much more time and money on hairdressing and make up than usual. The bride wants to be the most beautiful woman in the world in the eyes of her future husband, friends and family.
The couple will usually contract the services of a professional photographer to photograph the wedding. On such an important day, they don’t want to assign such an important task to amateurs. Most couples prefer to pay for the services of a professional photographer in order to ensure high quality photos. After the wedding, these bridal photos are traditionally kept in an album.
Many couples take this tradition a step further. They choose the best bridal picture—of the fiancée or the betrothed man—and commission a professional wedding oil portrait to display in their new home. These wedding oil portraits are not only very beautiful, they show everyone who visits their home the importance of their special day.